Nothing distinguished what trendy young people in my day called a “den” so much as precise, geometrical framed prints. For me it was sometimes a tramcar, an aeroplane but most usually a car. All they needed was a modest caption with title, date and maybe a few technical facts. Prints like that made a statement. Maybe they are now passé but I still treasure some; Glasgow tramcars recall my youth, aircraft like a BEA Pionair (a Dakota really) in which I made landmark flights to London. I have one of a 602 (City of Glasgow) Squadron Spitfire that flew from RAF Westhampnett, the Goodwood circuit where I covered races and drove many memorable laps.
Read MoreRolls-Royce Enthusiasts at Burghley
Maybe a tithe or two of Her Majesty’s revenue was filched by Queen Elizabeth the first’s Lord High Treasurer. Besides being the Queen’s principal fixer he was building Burghley House, round which Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts rallied.
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